Balance Mod - Go Big or Go Home Edition
Wow, did we have a packed weekend at the NSL or what? Over a dozen matches were played and casted during the span of 3 days! That's a lot of rounds to keep track of and thanks to our new web development team, we've got an easy way to keep up with the action. If you look over to the right hand side of the website, you'll notice a widget that says "Match Schedule". It'll show us scheduled match times and their casters. It even displays the scheduled times in the time zone that you're logged in from! Great job from csm for creating the widget and many thanks to Pelargir, Simba, and the rest of the staff for keeping the schedule up to date. It's just the first of, hopefully, many changes that will trickle out as we work towards a total revamp of this decade old site. Thoughts and suggests for features can be put here.
Another rule revision for clarity:
- Rule 3.i.i. - Pauses. Added instruction on how to initiate the pause function during matches.
We'll wrap up with a request for continued feedback on the balance mod. The list of proposed changes for the second iteration is massive and much too long for a single news post. We're hoping to release a live update with these changes in a week or so. Here's a link to the proposed changes and the abridged intro from the balance team.
Some of the changes currently in the live balance mod can be considered emergency triage. Some (like the alien tech tree cost reductions, the fade blink energy reduction) were bandaids with the goal of immediately improving some of the most glaring balance issues.
The patch notes here can be intimidating, but it’s important to consider that the overall goal of this patch is to further streamline and hopefully eliminate many of those previous glaring issues in a much more in-depth manner, opening up more choices in gameplay, and addressing some previously frustrating gameplay mechanics.
Feedback and suggestions on these patchnotes are encouraged, but please keep in mind that if you do have a suggestion or criticism, you need to provide well thought out reasonings for it. Just saying “this is bad” or “add/change this” without the reasoning behind it will not get your ideas the consideration or respect they deserve.
I'm also unsure about the higher tier metabolise requiring biomass 6, but we'll see how it plays out.
7 April 2014, 07:27
7 April 2014, 07:29
Listen and understand me. When we stream a match with a delay of 3 minute. If you pause more than 2-3 minutes,Players can watch the stream and see all.
Pause may to reduce to 2 min.
7 April 2014, 08:31
7 April 2014, 08:34
7 April 2014, 12:34
7 April 2014, 13:02
Most, if not all casters have graphics we use. During my last cast I voluntarily went back to a graphic to get around the problem. But I don't know that all streamers would do that.
7 April 2014, 15:21
7 April 2014, 16:53
But the marine commander: He/she has the capability to completely make or break a fight. You engage a marine with no med/ammo/cat/nano support, generally it's pretty easy, or MUCH easier. The difference between a good commander and a bad one is drastic and can be seen. But if the commander is good, times medpacks really well, even cat packs/nanoshield appropriately, he becomes a game changer and engagement changer alone. He alone makes a HUGE impact. The alien khamm is more of a joke in comparison. It is like making med packs have an animation as the drop from the sky on a parachute. It probably won't be in the right place and the right time by the time it lands.
Hey team, sorry that I can't really make a substantial impact on this game. All of my abilities were animating in and likely dated and no longer useful for the engagement. I guess my argument is that alien khammander is not fitting well with the game. It's a twitch based shooter right? Why remove my twitch based RTS abilities that need apply in real time to make or break an engagement? If I'm playing well, reacting in a timely manner, and knowledgeable about my placement and timing, shouldn't I make a reasonable impact like the marine comm?
How difficult would it be to instead make the bone wall not capture player but bump them to the side they're closest to?
7 April 2014, 16:53
Think of a way to make use of player number 6.
There are several options here. Most actions could be automated, or allow all players do to an occasional action without penalties.
7 April 2014, 18:27
7 April 2014, 19:28
7 April 2014, 20:15
7 April 2014, 20:39
If bonewall take more than one sec to be activate...
Can we just create a bot to put upgrade and research ? XD
Go deleted the 60 coldown sec for com...
7 April 2014, 23:54
Also Bonewall is the Hardconter to Catpacks/jetpacks rushing the onoses
and even this counter is easy to deny with killing cysts
it has to have more risk to play on infestation thats like the asymetric factor and similar to enganging marines that have pgs all over the place what increses the risk of being traped
so keep bonewall untouched plz
(i mean take a look from season1 to season4 (thats like 2 years) how many season1 players are left 10% ?)
please make this mod as easy to get into as possible and as close to the normal game as possible
8 April 2014, 09:07
Too many changes too quickly, especially if you want to introduce this into the season in a week. Maybe give us a week or two with the mod out, to get used to it, before we're forced to play with it?
8 April 2014, 09:53
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