ENSL season 15 schedule (week1)
Division 1
Week 1 : 4th October - 10th October, ns_veil & ns_lucid
Week 1 | Your predictions |
Danny Est Gros vs prostokvashino | Match Page |
9L vs TeaM Fantasy | Match Page |
U GO !? vs gorgerush | Match Page |
Division 2
Week 1 : 4th October - 10th October, ns_veil & ns_lucid
Week 1 | Your predictions |
New Team vs 2RAM | Match Page |
250 de ping vs Anonym Anti Anti A. | Match Page |
comm shots vs teampol | Match Page |
Upcoming matches:
Division 1
2nd week : Ugo-Sauna, TF-Degz, Prosto-gorge
3rd week : Degz-gorges, Sauna - NL, TF-Ugo
4th week : Sauna-TF, Prosto-NL, Ugo-Degz
5th week: NL-Ugo, Sauna-Prosto, TF-gorge
6th week: Sauna - Degz, Prosto - Ugo, NL-gorge
7th week : NL-Degz, Sauna-gorge, Prosto -TF
Division 2
2nd week : 2Ram-AAA, comm shots- Stray Dogs, New Team-250ping
3rd week : New Team -AAA, 2Ram-SD, 250ping - teampol
4th week : 250ping-SD, New Team - teampol, 2Ram -comm shots
5th week: New Team - Stray Dogs, 250ping-comm shots, AAA-teampol
6th week: comm shots-New Team, 2Ram-teampol, SD-AAA
7th week : 250ping - 2Ram, AAA-comm shots, SD - teampol
6 October 2010, 11:31
250 de ping vs Anonym Anti Anti A. 10/Oct/10 19:00
250 de ping vs Anonym Anti Anti A.
10 October 10 20:00
so, 19 or 20?
6 October 2010, 11:43
6 October 2010, 11:44
6 October 2010, 11:54
6 October 2010, 12:31
for Miglecz I ve made thies table on the lecture in a hurry and posted it in admin's forum and asked others to make a newspost. I didn't think that sm1 would just copy that.
6 October 2010, 14:26
Besides having same information on seperate pages will just add extra overhead for updating the information.
I fixed the times in news post and they're in CEST now.
Otherwise good job.
6 October 2010, 14:40
thx, good job! ;D
7 October 2010, 03:34
7 October 2010, 17:03
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