The Semis!

The Semi-Final matchups!


So, the semi-finals are coming. The next phase consists of the following matches:

Premiere Title:


  • U GO? vs. Take Over on ns_veil and ns_origin, Sunday 20:00, ensl5.
  • Ninelegends vs. Saunamen on ns_veil and ns_origin, Sunday 20:00, ensl4.


Tier 2 Title:


  • Stray Dogs vs. 250 de Ping on ns_tanith and ns_veil, Sunday 20:00, evolve.ns.
  • Tuxedo Men vs. Demonic Soul on ns_tanith and ns_veil, Sunday 14:00 evolve.ns.


All the maps were chosen by the teams and the admins weren't forced to decide any. Yay.

The ranking between Tuxedo Men and 250 de Ping was decided by coin toss, since the teams were tied in the league after the regular season. On the toss the Argentinian team 250 de Ping prevailed and finished the season as the 3rd ranked team of group A.

The German team NewstyleD decided to forfeit their position on the semi-finals, creating an opening for the Stray Dogs. Big thanks to NewstyleD for their co-operation and fair play relating the issue.

Bacillus on 07 December 09 08:02



Blank sancezz | NewStyleD Return

np :)
Fair Play Icon???? XD

7 December 2009, 08:16


Blank TrC | Exertus

DS for div2 champion

7 December 2009, 08:20


Blank pSyk | NewStyleD Return

Yeah, we are the true champions!

Wait, what..?

7 December 2009, 08:23


Blank lump

tuxedo men down!

7 December 2009, 08:58


Blank d-

Oh great we get to play saunamen on ns_finland. Great.

7 December 2009, 09:35


Blank d-


7 December 2009, 09:35


Blank phil | Flatline-Ns

next time even the groups in the first place not like 2-3 1st div clans in 1 group and ninelegends the nibz with the nibz in group2 ! i predict 4-0 sauna xD

7 December 2009, 10:14


Blank Elvisq | Team Four

quaxy folding for UGO fucked the balance...

7 December 2009, 10:37


Blank TrC | Exertus

U GO fucked up balance for not entering in time nabz

7 December 2009, 10:46


Blank d-

Phil stop being german and old :(

7 December 2009, 10:54


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

dugi stop whine, start spawncamp!

7 December 2009, 11:09


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

oh acutally I read dugi instead of dux -.-

7 December 2009, 11:10


Blank dugi

well, you made a HUGE mistake there. don't do it again please.

7 December 2009, 11:37


Blank dogo

"NewstyleD decided to forfeit their position on the semi-finals, creating an opening for the Stray Dogs"

Bacillus, germans are 1div team, and we won tts and ds (2div. clan)(our real opponets).
What opening shit? I am not agree with that.
We deserve play semifinals, retarded.

7 December 2009, 18:32


Blank lump

wtf we're in the playoffs now? lol??? o_O

7 December 2009, 23:16


Blank Tect | Readyroom Forever

dogo don't whine. just we had good luck -forfeit win.but as a result it affects nothing

8 December 2009, 00:08


Blank psyc0mus | minions

"Big thanks to NewstyleD for their co-operation and fair play relating the issue."

i second that, it was very nice of you guys. :)

8 December 2009, 00:44


Blank VinceDotLink | Stray Dogs

Dogo :

"# After 5 weeks two best teams in each groups go to the semi-finals (A1-B2, A2-B1). The winners of those matches will meet in finals.

# The 3rd and 4th team in each group will fight in semis for another title (A3-B4, A4-B3). The winners will play in finals. "

8 December 2009, 02:03


Blank EisTeeAT

Whats the prob Dogo? Everyone that kind of deserves to play playoffs are playing!

Just prove there u can kick their ass!

GL SD and the rest of course!

btw. take over for ENSL CHAMPS !

8 December 2009, 07:41


Blank lump

NewStyleD deserve to play there.

8 December 2009, 09:33


Blank dogo

Vince, at the meeting of ensl admins and leaders of teams Danny and X-man said group B is diferent, becouse we have 3 teams of 1 div, and group A have only 2 teams of 1 div. Then 4º and 5º place go semifinals of 2 div. Thats the rules not writen, fucking frenchie .|. :D:DDD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
In predictions always ppl says we suck, and we cant win ds, tts. And now when i was reading SD go semifinals becouse germans are doing us a favour i rage.

Its all, ppl can say i am a noob, and more (no problem, is not a joke,i am) . But i will be unpolite if ppl dont respect my team. Becouse SD players are the fucking best ppl in NS.

8 December 2009, 09:50


Blank dogo

Fortune we can beat you again, shut up.

8 December 2009, 09:50


Blank EisTeeAT

Whats the metter... Just prove it in the div2 semis ! .. noones doing u a favor if u are happier then .. we only did it for the Fair Play icon so .. happy now? !

8 December 2009, 10:07


Blank NellyJai | HasBeens & NeverWas

drama!!!! love it :D if SD don't get some aim pratice theres no chance to win ~

8 December 2009, 10:20


Blank dogo

Come on Eistee, it wasn´t for you.
You know i haven´t problem with your team, last match we acept play against your team in german server, with mercs and late of the official time. And was a funny match (almost in tanith) ;)
Don´t atack me ... you haven´t a real reason.

8 December 2009, 10:21


Blank dogo

And Doctor learn to FADING and stop waste our res in shit onos :D

8 December 2009, 10:23


Blank sancezz | NewStyleD Return

Ns is Back more DRAMA pls gogogo :D

8 December 2009, 10:29


Blank Elvisq | Team Four

if anyone else will write my nick from capital you will see what rage&drama are about

8 December 2009, 10:38


Blank EisTeeAT

u got to love the drama aint i right X-man?

8 December 2009, 10:40


Blank EisTeeAT

HAR HAr Har har

8 December 2009, 10:40


Blank dogo


8 December 2009, 10:54


Blank VinceDotLink | Stray Dogs

By: Dogo ( Stray Dogs ) on 08 December 09 16:23 [ Quote ]
And Doctor learn to FADING and stop waste our res in shit onos :D

When english fails :(

8 December 2009, 11:17


Blank dogo

Yes, i will take some english lessons this summer to can do drama in NS 2 :D

8 December 2009, 11:40


Blank lump

Dogo, no i wont shut up, newstyled are a better team than both SD and DS and deserve to be in the playoffs, no question. Not us two.

Also, if i was captain of DS and they spoke English fluently in-game, you wouldn't win a round.

8 December 2009, 11:52


Blank Bacillus

It's not about deserving, it's about what happens on the group scoreboard. I didn't have any intentions of questioning anyone's right to be in the semis.

I just described the situation as 3rd team dropping out and creating an open spot for the 5th finisher. It has got nothing to do with anyone's actual performance, skill level or deserved position.

8 December 2009, 12:16


Blank dogo

Maybe if my team speak spanish fluently in-game u got 4-0, not 3-1 ;)

8 December 2009, 12:17


Blank dogo

Ok, sorry and thx Bacillus. I am happy now with your answer. Let´s play semifinals guys.

8 December 2009, 12:44


Blank TrC | Exertus


8 December 2009, 13:19


Blank pyro

dogo, you know what fluent means ?

man-X ;/

8 December 2009, 13:38


Blank sublime

Tom, Newstyled ragequit because they're shitters and go afk halfway through every single season so you're in the semis now.

8 December 2009, 13:57


Blank EisTeeAT

Can u BE more wrong Sublime? !

8 December 2009, 14:52


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

I guess at the end everything turned out fair :>

8 December 2009, 15:47


Blank morphz

I heard the coin toss was fixed. DRAMA CONTINUES!

8 December 2009, 16:06


Blank huhuh | Danny Est Gros

Seriously, I think most of you guys underestimate the DS. I wish some of you could play them in a 50ms vs 50ms match, you'd probably change your mind ;O

8 December 2009, 16:32


Blank Snail | 250 de ping

pangea ftw
who wanna play in arg? u.u

8 December 2009, 17:40


Blank frG | TROLLS

haha Snail, funny, a few days back we rolled you (afaik) on your own Argentinian server.

20ms vs 250ms. wp.

8 December 2009, 17:53


Blank Tect | Readyroom Forever

thx huhu:D

8 December 2009, 18:31


Blank Tane | HasBeens & NeverWas

No, not really huhuh. Sure they know how to aim and move but their positioning, tactics and covering are really bad. Ping doens't effect these kind of things. They probably are better than most 2div teams but when they face team which plays with hihger tempo they don't have chance.

8 December 2009, 18:33


Blank sublime


8 December 2009, 18:54


Blank huhuh | Danny Est Gros

Of course I didn't mean they would match Saunamen or old Knife/9L ; mostly because, afaik, the Asian competitive scene has never been as active/skilled as the European/American one. Still I've played a few games with them ( mostly as Comm, hf medding with 400 ping on australian servers ) and i liked their skill & game sense. Too bad the world is not a huge LAN yet :(

8 December 2009, 19:56


Blank Snail | 250 de ping

yeah frg, me and others 5 randoms
wanna scrim against 250dp on arg?

8 December 2009, 20:28


Blank Mulk | Ant

qalaxy has won the game

8 December 2009, 21:12


Blank lump

I agree with Tane, also you can add scouting and, in game calls and res eating to that list. An explanation about some of these things would improve them a lot though. The potential is more than there but general understanding of why we keep losing is clearly not.. It's making me so bored of playing these days :[

8 December 2009, 21:57


Blank dugi

well, i'd be bored of playing if i sucked that hard lump.

9 December 2009, 04:39


Blank Tect | Readyroom Forever

i think the reas why we are bad is we can't find pcw :(

9 December 2009, 04:40


Blank lump

your mum sucks hard dugo, is that why she got bored of you?

9 December 2009, 06:39


Blank TrC | Exertus

but you do doogie :

9 December 2009, 07:22


Blank king_yo


9 December 2009, 07:51


Blank sublime


9 December 2009, 10:49


Blank mu

i have a semi right now

9 December 2009, 11:14


Blank dogo

Here we go !

9 December 2009, 14:05


Blank EisTeeAT


9 December 2009, 17:28


Blank Elvisq | Team Four

fuuuuuuuuuuuuu frenchie

9 December 2009, 18:34


Blank FlashNaabZ


9 December 2009, 22:01

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