General Rules
1 - Global value of the rules
- These rules apply to all ENSL leagues, cups and tournaments (generalized as 'contests')
- Each contest has its own sub-rules which have precedence over these.
- The Referees have jurisdiction to enforce these rules and solve problems.
- The Admins have ultimate jurisdiction and may create an exception to any rule.
- Rules may change and news will be posted on the front page when such happens.
- In doubt about interpretation of a rule, the spirit of the rule gets priority.
2 - Joining the contests
2.a - Teams
- Applying teams must obey the following requirements : - Have at least 6 members - Be contactable via Steam friends (leaders) - Be able to play one match per week
- Head Admins always have the final word on whether a team can join a contest or not.
- Even though the league was originally aimed at European players, teams from the rest of the world can participate in its contests but things like ping difference or time zone difference will not ease this. Some contests may have special adapted rules if enough non-European teams of the same region of the world join in. See specific subrules of each contest for more details.
2.b - Players
- A valid SteamID is required and mandatory for every player.
- Double accounts are forbidden for both Gathers and ENSL Contests.
- Players must display as Member, Deputee or Leader on the team page to be considered as part of the roster of a team.
- Please note that some contests may use special rules about clan joining to hinder clan-jumping for example, so it is better to have the players join the contest the earliest possible.
- Teams may occasionally use up to 2 mercenaries (mercs). However, said mercs must be of equivalent level of the team (specified by the contest's subrules). The other team can refuse the use of mercenaries in general or of specific players, however it is highly encouraged by ENSL to play all matches as 6vs6.
3 - Planning the matches
- All times on the website are in CET (GMT+1), or in CEST (GMT+2) if DST is observed.
- If you are logged in and the time is in italic then it is the time corresponding to the time zone of your profile.
- Whenever a match is to be played, teams must contact each other and agree on a date and time. If teams do not contact each other or cannot agree on time, default time as specified by the contest's subrules will be used.
- If teams have scheduled a match but one of them wants to cancel it, said team should contact the other team and notify them as well as the admins. Only if both teams agree on the cancelling can the match be cancelled.
- Admins have to be contacted when scheduling matches that cannot be scheduled automatically via the website (ex : finals).
- If a match is not played or is played without the ENSL staff being contacted in any way, the match will be considered a double forfeit.
- Forfeits are allowed to be replayed, but it is not mandatory in any way.
4 - Servers
4.a - Finding a server
- Each contest has its own server rules.
- It is the teams' responsibility to provide a server, not the ENSL's.
- Usually teams agree on playing one map on a server (and if need be, other maps on the same or on other servers).
- However if a disagreement occurs, referees or admins can be contacted to make a decision.
4.b - Server requirements
- Servers should meet the following requirements : - Have the ENSL-enforced modifications (see section 4.c) - Playable (decent performances and stability are a minimum) - Enough slots to allow both teams to connect, plus possible additional players from each team, plus room for the referee and/or the admin(s).
- A match can be played on a server which does not meet the above requirements only if both teams agree. Readying in the game is considered an agreement.
4.c - Server modifications
- All ENSL matches must be played with the following set of modifications on the server:
- NS2stats
5 - Before the match
5.a - Preparing
- You can request a referee on IRC (#ensl), Teamspeak or the ENSL steamgroup
- If an admin or referee is trying to reach your team 20 minutes or less before the scheduled match time without response, your team can be considered unavailable which may result in a forfeit or a loss.
5.b - If a referee has been assigned to your match
- If a referee has been assigned to your match (preferable), teams should inform him enough time before the match time of their server choice (including ip and password).
- Referees represent ENSL and should act fairly and objectively, following these rules and the contest's subrules as close as possible.
- If any problem rises between a team or a player and a referee, please contact the ENSL Head Admins.
- The referee is responsible for the respect of these rules and the contest's subrules, and for checking the SteamIDs of each player of both teams.
- Readying up in-game is always considered an agreement to the following: - Current server and server settings - Other team's players - Current round is part of the match - Your team is using 6 valid players
5.c - If a referee has not been assigned to your match
- Teams should then be responsible for the following: - Setting the correct server settings - Checking the SteamIDs of the players - Being fair and behaving properly - Following these rules and the contest's subrules
- Readying up in-game is always considered an agreement to the following: - Current server and server settings - Other team's players - Current round is part of the match - Your team is using 6 valid players
6 - The match
6.a - Lacking Players
- Only authorized players may play during a match, as per Section 2.b
- If a team lacks players 20 minutes after match time, a forfeit will be handed out for the specific round.
- Two consecutive forfeits will result in complete match forfeit lose.
6.b - During the match
- Teams should never F4 when they feel a rule has been violated
- Instead, a referee or and admin must be contact as soon as possible.
- If no ENSL staff is available at that time, play until the end of the round and try further contact with ENSL.
- If a team F4s without permission, it may lose the round.
- No spectators are allowed, except for the referee(s), admin(s) and any eventual caster or dedicated observer or match recorder.
- Any eventual caster should have a delay of AT LEAST 180 seconds.
- Each team is allowed to have players standing by to join via server/friendslist. But NOT on the server, since you can see current lifeform/weapon etc. from readyroom.
- No insult of any kind will be tolerated, be it towards the ENSL staff, the other team or anyone else.
- Team leaders are the only one authorized to talk in non-private chat during the game. Too much talking in public chat may lead to sanctions if it disrupts the game.
- Specific sanctions for any insult, racism or excessive swearing should be specified in the contest's subrules, or by the admins after ruling of the case.
6.c - Match exploits
- Any regular and/or perturbating connection issue can be punished according to the referee's judgement.
- Joining the wrong team during the game can result in a punishment.
- Bug exploitation of the engine, map or gameplay is strictly prohibited and will result in a punishment.
- Cheating is obviously prohibited.
- More precise definitions of prohibited exploits and mechanics should be listed for each season/tournament depending on the version of the game played. Please see the contest's subrules for more details.
7 - After the match
- If there was no referee assigned, team leaders should report the score and the line-ups onto the website (match page).
- If a referee was assigned, (s)he should be the one taking care of these.
- If a complaint is to be filled, no disrespect of any kind toward the ENSL staff or the other team will be tolerated. If a team insults another one after a game, they may no be allowed to fill a complaint at all.
- If both teams have behaved improperly or not followed the ENSL rules, the match can be discarded completely.
8 - Respect and fair-play
- We want to encourage fair-play and good sportsmanship.
- ENSL does not tolerate any sort of racism, excessive swearing or insult towards players, teams, spectators or ENSL staff. Punishments will be given to players who are not able to control themselves.
- Anything not prohibited in these rules or the contest's rules is not necessarily allowed. Please do not try your luck exploiting a known bug that only you know about because it was not mentioned in the rules of the contest.
- Good Luck and Have Fun !
21 December 2010, 18:56
so sad
21 December 2010, 20:01
21 December 2010, 22:17
22 December 2010, 02:11
22 December 2010, 03:37
22 December 2010, 11:23
Rules Updated for NS2.
19 November 2012, 23:25
lol.. funny with retry's post of the game being dead in 2010
20 November 2012, 11:05
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