13 February 2015 - 19:03 EST
Before the next season starts, we want to try and squeeze in an All-Star-Game.
This thread is for discussing the general tone and concept of it. Everything is open for discussion, of course. However decisions need to be made in the next few days, as the time for organisations is running out, quickly.
First off: I imagine the All-Star game as a fun-event, it is not about winning any titles or such. It is for celebrating the amusing things in NS2. It’s main purpose is to entertain its players and audience. I imagine friendly trash-talk, pre-game-silliness, crazy-strats, jeopardizing a win for mere style, even some uncommon maps or (experimental) mods and much more...
As winning is secondary, I’d love to see each division being represented in the event. The All-Star-Game is for concluding season 5 and kicking off season 6 at the same time.
Usually in All-Star games it’s participants are somewhat voted and there is more than a complete set of players in a each team. I think it is a good idea to follow that spirit. And here is the part, where I need to go into details: How to vote players into the All-Star teams.
As said before I imagine a nice representation of each division. Ideally there would be an equal amount of players of each division on each team. However, I don’t want to bother you guys with browsing through all the teams of Season 5, figuring out which player was on each team and division, until you find 2 of each division.
Here is my proposal on a voting system, feel free to give your feedback on this. It is far from being set in stone:
In a first stage you just pick 12 players from anywhere, 6 into each team. Remember, that we are not asking for the best players, but for the players, you think are entertaining and well placed in an All-Star game. There is no need to care about divisions. Just pick some players, which had been playing in Season 5 or before - you don’t even have to pick players which are in a current team. As long as we can find them on ensl.org, it’s fine.
The votes for this first stage will run about 5 days or so.
Then we check back on the guys, who got the most votes and determine the 24 most voted guys, who are available on game-night.
These go into a second ballot. The top 14 of these second ballots make it into the All-Star teams, the two guys, who got the most votes of all are determined team captains and be eponymous to their teams (team “Bitey” vs. team “Reddog” for example). The others are distributed roughly by skill and lifeforms to ensure a good battle.
For determining the maps: to keep the spirit of having something new and entertaining it would be nice to see these impromptu-teams compete on custom/uncommon maps, they might not even be suited for competitive at all. So I’d create a pool of maps from your commendations of this thread and make another poll to pick 2 of these, before the All-Star game.
About mods: I think it is best to keep it on the core-gameplay of NS2. But I could imagine experimental CompMod and all sorts of cosmetic mods. I hope for some suggestions from your side :)
To accommodate EU and NA times (sorry AUSies), the All-Star game will be placed somewhere on the weekend of 27th Feb. to 1st of March in EU evenings.
I’ll be happy to hear feedback from you, especially about the voting-process.