Newcomer Tourn.Update + Comp Mod comparison

Season 10 div2 Finals:


Here a detailed list of who's Casting/Reffing what game:



Watch 2 awesome games that are going to be quite balanced in my opinion.

Will happen shortly. We will update the dates here:


S10 Div2 Upper Bracket Finals:

Horror Show vs HBZ

29 January 20:30 CET

Casted by Ixian on


S10 Div2 Lower Bracket Finals:

Isay vs Close 101

29 January 19:00 CET

Casted by Recon + Hoeloe on



Newcomer Tournament update:




Vote ended:



The 2 top teams (teams that play in the finals) will be awarded with a the gold and silver badge and for the other players that play till the end on their teams, we have a blue Participation Badge.

All Badges will be visible on all NS2 Servers.



Newcomer tournament will happen on:

4 February 2017 start 19 CET / 13 EST till 23-24 CET /15-16 EST

5 February 2017 start 19 CET / 13 EST till 23-24 CET /15-16 EST

On the maps: Tram,  Veil,  Summit,  Biodome,  Descent



Signups for the Tournament will end on the 2 February 2017 on  22:00 CET



Please show up for the Tournament on 4 February at 18:30 CET/12:30PM EST.

on the ENSL TS3 Server:

IP: Channel: Newcomer Tournament early 2017 ReadyRoom

Where do I Join Up?


  1. Register an account at andThis video explains the process till 2:32.

  2. Click here and click [Request to join]

  3. Introduce yourself and if you want to play with Friends in a Team mention it there. (IF YOU DON'T FIND YOURSELF IN THE LIST DON'T PANIC WE UPDATE IT DAILY)



PS: We need coaches/Commanders for each team (unless they have their own ones.) please post here if you can coach/command:





Comp mod update:


You can now view changes that Comp Mod has compared to vanilla NS2 on the ensl website. Link to Comp Mod Changes on

Still looking for coders / contributors on Github:


As you can see at the bottom here:

Mega on 25 January 17 17:11


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