And Away We Go

For a little over a week, I've been wrestling over the content of this post and, at multiple occasions, scrapped a few thousand words. Many thousands, actually. Looking to justify and legitimize my time in this community, not just to you, but mostly myself. Was the endeavor of all things NS2 worth it? Did my thousands of hours matter?

Few can claim to have participated at all levels within this community. I've been a maptester, a playtester, a referee, a caster, a moderator on almost every popular streaming channel, organized and played on one of the best teams in the world, a member of the community development team, the North American/Australian admin, the league admin, and the head admin. As the longest tenured admin of the NSL during the NS2 era, I've organized more events (tournaments and seasons combined) than any other. One of my crowning achievements was co-organizing the NS2WC, the biggest and best live event NS2 ever had. What I am most proud of is playing a crucial role in the popularization of the best mod ever created for NS2 (CHUD, now known as NS2+ created by Mendasp) and initiating the creation of the Comp Mod and the team that manages it. These two mods have irrevocably influenced the vanilla game in terms of features and gameplay. Some might even say that I've had my fingers in too many pies.

Through out these last few years, I never begged for badges or asked for positions and titles. I've done my best to do the work that was needed in the community and filled roles. It has always been for the support and advancement of NS2. I've accomplished every single goal I had when I entered this community and with a mixture of sadness and relief, my time and efforts are done. I am resigning my post as the head admin of the NSL.

The glory days of NS2 are done, but our time playing certainly isn't over yet. There will still be admins here who will do their best to continue the league and they need your support. They need your opinions and they need your kindness. They're just doing their best and trying to serve you.

Good luck, everyone.

At the end of the day, NS2 is just a video game and suppose to be fun. So I hope you play more games.

Zefram on 04 March 15 03:18



Blank Niitze | I'm disappointing

#first #ripzefram #maytheforcebewithyou #newadmin? #hype #isthisgettingold? #idc

4 March 2015, 08:24


Blank Iots | el'pheer

Alright, good luck i guess.

4 March 2015, 08:25


Blank ryssk | Ram Ranch

I really hope this isnt just a resign and not deciding who the new head admin is? Or did he just drop everything and ran away to do some Ramen?

4 March 2015, 08:43


Blank Sephy | We're grumpy

I wish u a safe come back to real life xD

4 March 2015, 08:44


Blank Aioros


4 March 2015, 08:58



Goodbye friend

4 March 2015, 09:02


Blank swalk | Xeon

bye bye

Ryssk. Pelargir and tudy are on the case, they got good stuff in the works.

4 March 2015, 09:10


Blank Wob | B L I N K

Good admin until #forfeitgate. A lot of undeserved criticism over the time period as head admin and you definitely did step up the quality of feedback and input the community could provide. However it is time you stepped down but I hope you continue playing.

4 March 2015, 09:13


Blank Vindaloo

Goodbye. Thanks for all the fish.

4 March 2015, 09:15


Blank Jekt | Envy

seeya zefram. Not sure why you stuck around as long as you did with this drop kick euro scene. Swalk for president 2015.

4 March 2015, 09:19


Blank theloneknight

Australians appreciate Zefram, plz come admin for ausns2 we will send you a cake

4 March 2015, 09:22


Blank Seb

"Some might even say that I've had my fingers in too many pies."

And those people would be completely wrong.
Zefram you have done nothing but an immense amount of good for the community at large, NS2 would be a completely different story without your positive input, influence and leadership. Thanks for the many hours that you have put into this game!

4 March 2015, 09:28



Swalk for president 2015

4 March 2015, 10:08


Blank Pelargir | We're grumpy

Zefram has been the only NSL admin who helped me to become what I am today on NS2. I don't say he hasn't done things I disagreed with but most of the time, his decisions were in accordance to the needs of the community (rare are those noticing that). Some though, kept bitching against him for these same reasons, and he has never gotten back what he deserved in a positive way. I wish him the best of luck in the future and he will be forever part of the NSL. This community wouldn't have been what it is now and I'm quite sure things wouldn't have been that good in our current state. He's not leaving a dead community but an enhanced community that he built himself the last years. His mark will remain for a long time.

On a side-note, the staff is already being restructured to make the incoming season happen. No worries, the NSL will still stand for intercontinental competitive matches.

4 March 2015, 11:24


Blank Mendasp | I'm disappointing


4 March 2015, 11:47


Blank wasabione

Thank you for all your efforts Zefram and to the new admins, Good Luck!

4 March 2015, 12:49


Blank Robby

Thanks for all the hard work and for always being so supportive! I wish you good fortune in your future endevours!

4 March 2015, 13:04


Blank Yaluzan | Admin Abuse

Thank you Zefram, I wouldn't be here like this without you.

4 March 2015, 13:55


Blank removed

Contribution list Zefram:
Leaving NSL

4 March 2015, 14:22


Blank joshhhy

Here's the tl;dr version:

All jokes aside, Zefram did a great job adding some much needed structure to our community. I do feel that one of the reasons he took so much flak is that he held his ground and upheld the rules no matter who approached him... I hope the next admin can do the same.

Thanks and ggs.

4 March 2015, 15:26


Blank BauerJankins | nazi hunter izO

" A lot of undeserved criticism over the time" - This
gl hf in future life..... hopefully you will not receive the amount of undeserved hate you got on here

4 March 2015, 15:35


Blank MisterOizo

Only way to make a comeback is to resign. ;) Community will miss your effort.

4 March 2015, 15:56


Blank skyice | Div2orDisband

"glory days of ns2 are behind us" For you maybe, For alot of people this is their first season in NS2...

Anyways, Cheers Zef! thanks for everything!

5 March 2015, 02:40


Blank bonage | JUST THE TIP

Thank you zefram for your efforts - they did not go unnoticed.

5 March 2015, 05:17


Blank tudy

Thanks for all you put into NSl and NS2 overall :)

You leave huge shoes to fill.

5 March 2015, 05:57


Blank jiriki | old people

Thanks for the work you have done Zefram.

5 March 2015, 11:36


Blank Obraxis

Thanks for all your efforts Zefram. Even if some of them were not appreciated by a few in the community, you made NSL and NS2 better by your being there..

I hope the next NSL head admin is as thoughtful and passionate as yourself.

5 March 2015, 12:08


Blank ContagiouS | el'pheer

Thanks for the past and high waves for the future!

5 March 2015, 12:54


Blank Hyste

Was Zefram the head admin ?

5 March 2015, 13:12


Blank carnage | High Expectations

smdh hyste u dont pay attention to anything

5 March 2015, 14:04


Blank Malware

Thanks Zefram for all the tips and bits you have shared with us, thank you for your time, dedication and patience you gave towards NSL and towards everyone of us, kudos to you.

6 March 2015, 08:25


Blank GorgeJetson

Thanks Zefram for being there for us and keeping the game alive, long live Zefram!

6 March 2015, 13:22


Blank Narkoweed | Team France 2016

Thx for what u've done for the community. Really. But you left 6months late with a news like "Hey, i've done this this and this, I'm your god". Cool story bro..

Anyway, best wishes for the next

7 March 2015, 01:00


Blank Zubb

Totally agree with this post.
Wish I could say the same about comp mod change logs.. maybe we'll get there someday.
What I really came to say, though, thank you for all the work you've but in for the community during the years. Sorry to say I don't really care about /played, but I hope we'll still be seeing you around.

7 March 2015, 10:33


Blank ryssk | Ram Ranch

I actually cried a little when i read this news... but it was tears of joy

11 March 2015, 11:21

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