Season 12 Seeding possibilitys (first try)
We made these Seedings based on these Signups:
Please POST only construcitve Feedback here in the Comment section.
Everything else will be moderated.
Seeding1) 2 Division Setup with all Teams + Possible Newcomers.
Seeding2) 3 Divison Setup with all Teams + Possible Newcomers.
Seeding3) 4 Divison Setup with all Teams + Possible Newcomers.
1) The Ranking on each Seeding
are same.
So tell us if you agree with the Ranking of the Teams or you think a Team needs to move up or down in Ranking.
(I think its every Teams own responsibility to keep the Member list up to Date so if you have 3 Pros in your List that wont play bad luck for you i judged it after the best Players in your list and im sure other People will do the Same)
2)Which Seeding has the best Division Setup with the least skill difference.
Nobody likes to be Stomped/Totally hopeless out-skilled not in Div1 or any other Div.
3)Anything else important Seeding Related you want to tell ?
No useless information's please i tend to moderate this article a lot.
3 October 2017, 18:50
3 October 2017, 19:21
So what Team is the "meme team" and why should that be a excuse in not seeding them higher then the (what Team is the "couple of americunts") and/or other teams ?
3 October 2017, 22:56
3 October 2017, 22:56
3 October 2017, 22:57
4 October 2017, 05:33
4 October 2017, 07:28
You ask for constructive feedback but seeding by random pub influenced elo is a joke.
4 October 2017, 12:12
So it was:
1) Toxicity9000
2) Simple Plays
3) Elogain
4) one brit too many
5) GoneCamping
And now its going to be:
1) Toxicity9000
2) GoneCamping
3) Elogain
4) Simple Plays
5) one brit too many
Works fine by me will change.
(The Page could take 5 Minutes to update)
4 October 2017, 13:29
4 October 2017, 16:22
4 October 2017, 23:50
Perhaps the following divisions ratio will be optimal: 5 - 7 - 5, 5 - 6 - 5 or 5 - 5 - 4 but not 5 - 5 - 7, 5 - 5 - 6.
5 October 2017, 01:45
5 October 2017, 02:02
Your right in some sense based on the rules:
4. Teams
(c) By the time of the deadline for signing up for any season, ALL teams must have a minimum of six (6) registered users.
The 3 Division setup is the most likely setup to do.
1st Division 5 Looks good and everyone agreed that i have been asking so far.
2nd Division with 6 Teams could be alright with either peace death or something funny going up
3rd Division Hopefully peace death or something funny not gonna roll this.
I think Sacrifice or Moadib or Frozen or Preda don't belong into the same Division as the Newcomers (Guys take this as a compliment)
So if we switch ranking of something funny and Peace death and if its true that Sacrifice is not going to play in Peace Death we end up with 4-5 Teams in Div3.
If you are interested in the Average just calculate the Hive/Hours /trough/ Players.
The thing is that would not work the other way around Average*Membernumbers that number would not be accurate at all.
Anyway sure i will put that Average up in a different field.
5 October 2017, 10:16
5 October 2017, 12:48
On Seeding 2
On Seeding 1 and 3 Nothing changed for them.
I also added Elo summed up
and Hive Hours average for Handschuh
Please keep the feedback coming.
5 October 2017, 13:45
5 October 2017, 15:20
5 October 2017, 15:23
let's do seeding 1
6 October 2017, 00:57
6 October 2017, 00:58
6 October 2017, 08:36
6 October 2017, 11:07
6 October 2017, 14:43
7 October 2017, 08:29
7 October 2017, 11:20
At the same time though I don't think putting those 2 teams together with HS and somethingfunny is going to end well, I might be wrong because I dont know most of those teams well. Just judging by the players here.
With that being said i THINK a small div2 (definitely put TA in there btw) would be the best option overall.
Maybe option 2 and move up pell mell to div 1? then maybe move one team from div 3 up to div 2 to even the divs out? dont know how big the skill gap is overall
7 October 2017, 11:45
Horror show should definitely be div 2, crazycat always puts good teams together and I reakon if seedings stay as they are they will have a good chance of winning it. Ask crazycat I'm sure he will agree.
7 October 2017, 11:54
7 October 2017, 13:27
7 October 2017, 14:05
1st) the Team Saunabois got added in Rank 16 is that fine or move up or down ?
gl and hf in the Season Saunabois.
2nd) Based on on your feedback from the last posts.
Ranking of Pell-Mell and Placeholder got switched Pell-Mell from Rank 5 to 6 and Placeholder from Rank 6 to 5.
i did not move placeholder up into div1 yet in seeding2 what would result in a Div1_6, Div2_5, Div3_5 instead of Div1_5, Div2_6, Div3_5 like it is at the moment.
But it might make sense needs more opinions about this.
3rd) I sorted Seeding3 with the 4 Division setup new, in the sense that i moved "onebrit too many" from div1 to div2 and "Horror Show" from div2 to div3 and "8bitGamers" from div3 to div4.
For the Simple reason to have from Div1 to Div4, 4 Teams in each Division what should be the bare minimum. (at least in my opinion) if this Setup don't work Seeding3 is simply not working
and Seeding1 or Seeding2 has to be chosen.
4) If i count votes so far Seeding2 won by most peoples opinion.
So keep the Feedback coming guys.
7 October 2017, 14:59
11 October 2017, 20:07
after listening to more feedback i moved Placeholders to Division1
So we are most likely going with Seeding Number 2.
Thank you everyone for your input
11 October 2017, 20:20
12 October 2017, 07:36
12 October 2017, 12:08
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