[Player] [Mid] [Marine, Lerk, Fade]

United States of America
5 December 2012
6 August 2013 - 21:07 EDT
I was the founder of the Na Div 2 team AtroX, I have a pretty decent arsenal of skills and experience. 700+ Hours of ns2, mostly competition related time (training, scrims, personal practice ect.) I started playing this game to form a team and/or play competitively.

I used to be pretty much capable of playing any role, even commander but I just came back from a long vacation and am adjusting to the new patch, so I can really only perform some field roles now. I would really like to spend time with various teams to figure out where I feel like I fit best, so feel free to pm me or hit me up on steam.

I have pretty open availability right now, and I'm always down to practice in any way, I'm also not too proud to learn from anyone that can give me real advice.

DVoX, California, overall experienced competition player.

Positive traits:
Clearly spoken, easy going, hard working, retrospective, and enjoy teaching/learning interactions.

Bad Traits: Accidentally arrogant, and inconsistent (Or bad, for short. lawl)

Me -> http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994336295/
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