NSL Season 4 - Division 4 Playoffs

Sunday 25 May 2014
01:00 EDT

Predictions (6)




Blank Boke | [karvalakki]

I have added the leader to my friends list. PLS contact me ASAP, PANIC!!! :)

5 May 2014, 13:39


Blank TheKarva | [karvalakki]

Please contact us ASAP. Because of timezonez think weekends might be the best solution, but the coming weekends this month will be a challenge to schedule for us due to 48hour filmchallenges and bachelor parties etc but we'll figure something out. Please accept friend requests on steam..

7 May 2014, 11:11


Blank Schwa | .js

May 25th okay? Day of deadline.

11 May 2014, 01:25


Blank Boke | [karvalakki]

May 25th is ok for us. Is 1900 CEST ok?

11 May 2014, 15:19


Blank Schwa | .js

We're discussing the time, and possibly the actual date. We'll get back to you soon.

12 May 2014, 12:27


Blank Schwa | .js

Is this weekend okay for you all? Memorial Day Weekend is the weekend of the 25th, it's a busy time for families and not the best for a scrim.

12 May 2014, 16:07


Blank Boke | [karvalakki]

As stated above this weekend does not suit us, because the majority of our team is attending a shortfilm challenge and wont be home for the whole weekend. The 25th of May is really the only day we have a lineup before the deadline.

We can play either 1900 or 2000 CEST on Sunday 25th of May.

13 May 2014, 10:13


Blank Asylum

Sunday 25th 20:00 CEST | 2PM EDT/EST is confirmed

18 May 2014, 12:27


Blank Boke | [karvalakki]

Confirmed for Sunday 25th of May @ 8pm CEST (2pm EDT).

18 May 2014, 12:28

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