Beginn 21:00 not 20:00
8 April 2013, 11:24
Date: 14.04.2013Time: 21:00 CETMerc: NO (from EpCR)[All that is not save!]
8 April 2013, 19:21
Yes this right.
8 April 2013, 23:01
Rescheduled back to default time.
11 April 2013, 02:32
Casted by Sole :) THANK YOU
14 April 2013, 04:25
EPCR forfaited
14 April 2013, 10:32
Confirmed forfeit from Tw0F1sh.
14 April 2013, 11:24
TrUsH3r | Winkune-eSports
Beginn 21:00 not 20:00
8 April 2013, 11:24
Tw0F1sh | Lerk Army
Date: 14.04.2013
Time: 21:00 CET
Merc: NO (from EpCR)
[All that is not save!]
8 April 2013, 19:21
TrUsH3r | Winkune-eSports
Yes this right.
8 April 2013, 23:01
Rescheduled back to default time.
11 April 2013, 02:32
Casted by Sole :) THANK YOU
14 April 2013, 04:25
Ruskor | RadicaL
EPCR forfaited
14 April 2013, 10:32
Confirmed forfeit from Tw0F1sh.
14 April 2013, 11:24
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