Greetings. Unfortunately OGTV will have to decline the match for today. Due to some issues on our end, we will not be able to play tonight. We will first be available for a match somewhere after 14th of April. We apologize for this inconvenience , but we are looking forward to the match ; somewhere after 14th of April.
Greetings. Unfortunately OGTV will have to decline the match for today. Due to some issues on our end, we will not be able to play tonight. We will first be available for a match somewhere after 14th of April. We apologize for this inconvenience , but we are looking forward to the match ; somewhere after 14th of April.
Sincerely - Red and Malloy
31 March 2013, 13:43
Any news on this?
22 April 2013, 09:23
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